Tuesday, June 25, 2013


bethel facilities. a great story behind these grounds which I'll expand on more later when I post my Nikon photos!!
the beautiful Kingdom Hall!
personal rooming building
common space
the kitchen and dining space... !!!
we got to talk to pretty much the rest of the bethelites we hadn't already met. our favorite speaker was the brother that gave the baptism talk and we got to talk to him!
Kingdom Hall inside
after going to bethel today first thing after breakfast, we had our walking tour of old riga.  at lunch we went to an old medieval restaurant, rozengrals, where there was only candle light to dawn by in the authentic setting! food was pretty good!
darker then dark in there!
pretty scenes from the first museum we stopped at; will remember the name later!
hmmm... I can't quite put into appropriate words our evening spent with guntas and janis whom live here in latvia and invited us out today, however I can just say that we had a superfluously splendid time being hosted by these two, included in which was taking us to the beach. or let me call it by it's name, the Baltic Sea.  sounds so studious no? "we went to the Baltic Sea" sounds so much better then "we went to the beach"...
siers! {that's 'cheese' in latvian :) }
this setting; 10:30pm... can you believe it?!?
in the rare chance that I would find amber in the Baltic Sea, I found amber in the Baltic Sea!

truly, I can't even say more about tonight other then we choked through goodbyes and nicholas and I got to our hotel and sobbed like babies with love for these two beautiful people we now have in our lives and for the astonishing adventure at special convention we've had! I am looking forward to writing in more detail about our accounts!

tomorrow we head to Germany for a week to visit nicks family there and *oddly enough* it's their convention while we are there so we are going to go at least a day there!

already missing our utopia here in latvia with our brothers and sisters... 



  1. you keep making me almost cry reading your posts ... catching up on your trip. Sounds beyond amazing. Love and miss you guys

    1. aw! I know I can hardly write these without getting emotional every time! just so special!!!
